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Boaz Barak Lab - Brain behavior lab

Exploring Myelination and Brain Development in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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Selected Publications:

Shank3 mutation impairs glutamate signaling and myelination in ASD mouse model and human iPSC-derived OPCs |

Fischer I, Shohat S, Leichtmann-Bardoogo Y, Nayak R, Wiener G, Rosh I, Shemen A, Tripathi U, Rokach M, Bar E, Hussein Y, Carolin Castro A, Chen G, Soffer A, Schokoroy-Trangle S, Elad-Sfadia G, Assaf Y, Schroeder A, Monteiro P, Stern S, Maoz B and Barak B. 


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In individuals with Williams syndrome, dysregulation of methylation in non-coding regions of neuronal and oligodendrocyte DNA is associated with pathology and cortical development |

Schokoroy Trangle S, Rosenberg T, Parnas H, Levy G, Bar E, Marco A and Barak B. 


Boaz Barak Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University


Neuronal deletion of Gtf2i results in developmental microglial alterations in a mouse model related to Williams syndrome |

Bar E, Fischer I, Rokach M, Elad-Sfadia G, Shirenova S, Ophir O, Schokoroy-Trangle S,
Okun E and Barak B. 


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Tackling myelin deficits in neurodevelopmental disorders using drug delivery systems |

Rokach M, Portioli C, Brahmachari S, Estevão BM, Decuzzi P and Barak B.


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Neuronal Gtf2i deletion alters mitochondrial and autophagic properties |

Nir Sade A, Levy G, Trangle SS, Sfadia GE, Bar E, Ophir O, Fischer I, Rokach M, Atzmon A, Parnas H, Rosenberg T, Marco A, Stein OE & Barak B. 




Neuronal deletion of Gtf2i, associated with Williams syndrome, causes behavioral and myelin alterations rescuable by a remyelinating drug  |

Barak B , Zhang Z, Liu Y, Nir A, Trangle S, Ennis  M, Levandowski K.M, Wang D, Quast K, L. Boulting G.L, Li Y, Bayarsaihan D, He Z  and Feng  G. 


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Selected News:

Boaz Barak lab team members

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Research funds are limited, especially for rare diseases, while costs continue to rise. 


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Every donation helps and brings us one step closer to improve the understanding and treatment of Williams syndrome and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).​​​

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